In Team Fortress 2, you can damage enemies directly and indirectly. If you want all-out assault, you can play as the heavy-hitting poster boy of Team Fortress 2, Heavy. If you prefer an up-close and personal style, you can play as the Flamethrower-carrying Pyro. And if you want to indirectly damage enemies using elaborate traps, … Continue reading “TF2 Guide: Engineer”
Tag Archives: TF2
TF2 Guide: Sniper
Like other shooter games, Team Fortress 2 has a resident Sniper. And for the most part, playing as one is very similar in other shooter games. If you main an AWP in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or have a lot of experience taking out enemies from afar in other first-person shooters, then you will have no … Continue reading “TF2 Guide: Sniper”

TF2 Guide: Pyro
Pyro is the designated short-range unit in Team Fortress 2, capable of dealing heavier damage the closer he is to the enemy. But not because he has boss-like melee weapons under his command. No, Pyro is deadly when in close range simply because of his default Flamethrower. Similar to real life, your chances of survival … Continue reading “TF2 Guide: Pyro”

TF2 Guide: Medic
In almost every team-based multiplayer game, there are always designated support characters. These characters only have one goal: To make sure their teammates stay alive as long as possible. In Team Fortress 2, the Medic is the bona fide support character, although his primary and melee weapons may indicate otherwise. Here are some basic need-to-knows … Continue reading “TF2 Guide: Medic”

TF2 Guide: Soldier
The Soldier is perhaps the most balanced class in Team Fortress 2 in terms of offense and defense. Like the Scout, a Soldier is capable of covering large distances in a short amount of time. But unlike the Scout, who primarily relies on his double-jump ability and unparalleled speed, the Soldier makes use of his … Continue reading “TF2 Guide: Soldier”